Spotlight Interview: Wealth & Financial Expert Leonie Fitzgerald
Thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me! Please tell us a bit about yourself and what you
do currently…
Leonie Fitzgerald, 42 yr old woman living in Brisbane, after a 10 year stint in London. I love travelling to far-away places to explore different cultures and develop my understanding of the world, enjoy attending self-development events where I love meeting people of similar mindset who are working towards improving themselves and their business, I love hanging out with friends over dinners and sitting around the fire bucket drinking wine, I’m pretty passionate about reading although I just don’t do it enough so now have audible loaded on my phone so drive and listen / learn, I love my dog so damn much I can hardly believe I lived life without her for so long, recently married the man I seem so long to have searched for.
Career wise, I help people transform their financial wellbeing at Wealthology Australia, an amazing place where our clients build their wealth to increase their financial security, reduce their risk and create the lives they deserve. By discovering what’s important to them we see the bigger picture and guide them on a journey they may not have travelled otherwise.
We believe good money management is the foundation of building wealth, anyone who wants to create wealth must develop the right mindset and work with someone who can help them on their journey and keep them accountable to themselves.
We like to connect with clients who want to build a relationship with us, rather than just transact with us. When we sit down and create a strategy together our clients understand that it’s not a commitment to the plan, but rather, a commitment to themselves that has them achieve the life they desire.
The strategy involves building a property portfolio, amongst other things and we are driven to achieve genuine results and create a real impact for our clients, having a bit of fun along the way.
We love sharing our expertise and knowledge with our clients to help them to achieve their own financial and lifestyle goals. This is what fires us up!
What inspired you to start doing your own business venture?
To have the opportunity to help clients in my own unique way, to connect with people who I really would like to support and have the time to create a relationship, rather than just a business transaction. I’ve had many great ideas over the years which I’m now rolling out at Wealthology Australia so it’s very exciting.
What has been your biggest achievement so far?
Connecting with some really great entrepreneurs and building solid relationships with other business owners who are of a similar mindset – we’re all working towards a better world, being conscious and wanting to serve others. I was able to help one of those key people recently by providing a structured plan on how she can also achieve financial security and reduce her risk. Her feedback reminded me about how big an impact Wealthology Australia do actually make on people’s lives – that’s pretty big.
What fuels you to keeps you going each day?
I see the lifestyle my mum and dad have on the pension and it drives me to help more people take the steps required to get them in to a better financial situation. Also, I had a period of time when I was younger when I ended up in a challenging financial position after the GFC and do not ever want to be in that position again. I know what I teach works because it’s worked for me and many others and I really do believe that we all deserve better lives. We owe it not only to ourselves, but to our future generations.
Who are the top 3 celebrities/experts you’d love to work with? And why?
Gary Vaynerchuk – because he’s no-nonsense and an extremely successful business man and also seems to be genuine.
Richard Branson – because he’s such an individual – doesn’t seem to care what people think about him, is open to opportunities that come his way but also creates many of his own opportunities, seems to have a big heart, is a family man and spends a lot of time with those who are nowhere near as successful as him to help them along on their own journeys, guiding them and giving them solid advice. Awesome.
Louise Hay – incredibly inspiring lady who healed herself of cancer and who has helped so many with their mindset and discovering that what we think about we bring about. So think good things. A beautiful soul and very giving.
Take a moment to close your eyes. Where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?
My family will have grown from three to five or six as we’d like to have a couple of kids and add another dog to our litter. We’ll be living in a nice home that’s comfortable and has a great entertainment area so we can spend time with family and friends in our own space. We’ll be travelling and meeting some great people all around the world. Our foundation will be providing much needed assistance to those that need a hand and Wealthology Australia will continue to innovate and help our clients become wealthy sooner.
If you could get the perfect help from an online tax return service, what would they do for you?
Everything ☺ A done for you service where I have to do the smallest amount of work would be great so then I can just focus on Wealthology Australia, doing what I do so well and pay the experts to do what they do so well. My tax genius is super knowledgeable in all areas so I trust them to conduct their business
Can you give our readers 2 key tips for success in business?
Get great people around you, particularly mentors and coaches who have travelled the journey you are going on – and actually take their advice and do the things they tell you.
Believe in you – you are significant, you do have something to share with this world and you will connect with the people that are attracted to your way of being, your vibe, if you like.
If you were stuck on a desert island and could only bring 3 things what would they be?
My fully fuelled private plane ☺
My hubby
Ice cold champagne to celebrate having some quiet time out on a beautiful, exotic island with no-one else, no wifi, no mobile phones – just peace and quiet
How do you describe yourself in 5 words?
Fun, reliable, inspiring, no-nonsense, driven.
Thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me! Where can we find and follow you online?
LinkedIn: leonie Fitzgerald
Facebook: Wealthology Australia