Spotlight Interview: Transformational Coach & Mentor Dionne Williams! @getsetgo_london
Thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me! Please tell us a bit about yourself and what you do currently…
My name is Dionne Williams. My background is in Banking & Financial Services. I have over 15 years’ experience in the Financial Services Industry, working with many of the Top FTSE 100 companies, consulting for and advising hundreds of CEO’s & High Net Worth Individuals on all aspects of running and growing their businesses.
For 4 of those years I was in an emotionally and sometimes physically abusive relationship, suffering from the symptoms of Narcissistic abuse which often has similar symptoms to PTSD.
I now run weekly meetings and online After Care workshops for women who have experienced past Narcissistic & Emotional Abuse. I also provide Mentoring, Mindset & Confidence Coaching as well as transformation plans for Survivors of Domestic Abuse.
I work at an intuitive level, my focus is on dealing with the Personal mind, our core emotions, core wounds, limiting beliefs and childhood programming that keeps us stuck & disempowered. I help my clients develop the ability to work on true love of self and true self-empowerment to release the trauma which is an extremely common symptom of abuse.
What inspired you to start doing your own business venture?
I was made redundant from Banking in 2016 and I had no desire to go back into employment. I’ve had every intention of starting my own business for many years but never had the courage to really go for it. Being employed, as soul destroying as it often felt, had me comfortable in the knowledge that my salary was almost guaranteed every month, so that step into the unknown had been really difficult and scary to make. The redundancy just gave me the push I needed to really go for it!
What has been your biggest achievement so far?
So many achievements to date:
Bringing together a network of amazing women in London. Growing an online network of women from all over the world, all who have been adversely affected by the devastation of Domestic Abuse. Being involved in many great causes and events where I have been able to speak out on the issues that sadly millions of women (and men) face in their homes daily.
What fuels you to keeps you going each day?
The knowing of how isolating being in this position can be. The idea that I am helping someone change their experience of life. Knowing that this mission has been handed to me by a source much bigger than myself.
Who are the top 3 celebrities/experts you’d love to work with? And why?
Oprah: Just because she’s Oprah
Lisa Nicholls: because she has had a difficult often painful path similar to that of my clients and has proven herself to be a phenomenal woman inspiring others all over the world
Will Smith: because of his dedication and awe-inspiring work ethic, I’d be hoping some of his energy rubs off on me
Take a moment to close your eyes. Where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?
Taking the core business Nationwide/Global with online services available worldwide, Advocating for and helping women to take control of their lives and challenge out of date paradigms keeping them stuck.
If you could get the perfect help from an online tax return service, what would they do for you?
Give business strategy and advice on business development. A service that makes everything required is made as easy and simple as possible.
Who or what is your greatest love?
My sons, Grandsons & Family.
What book do you recommend most to others?
Practising the power of Now – Echart Tolle, This book created a huge change in my life.
Can you give our readers 2 key tips for staying creative?
I’d recommend that they a)nurture their inner relationship with themselves & get very clear on their desired end goal. b) Get comfortable with being uncomfortable, dare to push past their comfort zone.
Where is your happy place?
My bed.
If you were stuck on a desert island and could only bring 3 things what would they be?
Soap, Food…
How do you describe yourself in 5 words?
Fluid, inquisitive, brave, informal, spontaneous
Thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me! Where can we find and follow you online?
Twitter @getsetgo_london