How to Start a Blog in 10 Mins – Simple & Easy (Step-by-Step)
Part 2:
Every day people ask us how to start a blog so we wanted to show you how you can in as little time as possible.
We’re fired-up to help you build your blog today because it feels like just yesterday when we sat exactly where many of you are now…
– No blog
– Frustrated with our full-time jobs
– Wondering how in the world to create an online blogging business that we both enjoyed AND potentially made us money
– We’ve now helped thousands of students go from no blog with no idea what they were doing to building beautiful, fun blogs that they enjoy that also earn them a full-time income!
We created this free video to help you learn how to create a blog without any website coding skills or having to pay an expensive web developer to do it for you (because who has an extra $2,000 laying around?).
Bluehost has given us a special discount for our readers! You can now set up your blog for as low as $2.75/month, and it also comes with a FREE domain name:
The following will be a step-by-step guide to creating the blog of your dreams and actually make money from it! And trust us when we say this: If we can do it, ANYONE can!
Facebook Group for Future Bloggers:
Facebook Page:
Launch Your Blog eCourse:
Create and Go Team!
*Note: Some of the links above are affiliate links, which means that we may receive a commission if you sign up through our link. Please know that is in no way affects our opinion and we only recommend companies that we have personally tried out and used ourselves!