What Expenses I Can Claim When Working from Home UK?
You know that you are entitled to a certain amount of cost to claim. The return of your taxes when you work from home but how long does it last? Some costs are clearly cut (for example, the types of work groups that can be claimed). However, for those who work from home, you may be surprised at the amount of your monthly living expenses that can be added to the HMRC forms in January. So here the tips about what expenses I can claim when working from home UK.
Depending on the work you do, you can claim the costs to use your home as an office, claiming office equipment such as computers and furniture or even leaving part of your home. Rent your company. However, the HMRC rules are complex. We have broken them down to make it easy to include what you could include in your expenses when working from home.
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What Expenses Can I Claim? 8 Top Tax Deductions For You:
1. Your internet
Certainly, you spend three hours a night looking for houses you never sold yet… You’ll see what everyone is doing on social media. But don’t forget all the time it is being used to send quick emails search for contacts, building websites or working on your business. Proportionally calculate the amount of time spent doing business online. And divide your total Internet bill accordingly.
2. Your home office
While we have everything digital in everything don’t forget your laptop, desktop or printer. If you have paid for these items and have ever used them for business (write emails, confirm appointments, and make copies of documents). You can file a claim. It is useful to know that you can claim purchased goods before you are legally registered as a freelancer.
3. Your electricity and gas bill
Remember that you could not do your job unless the lights were on and your house was arctic. How will you calculate how many of your profits will be charged? Light bulbs are not as easy to count as your energy consumption every day.
As a general guide, you can first find out how much time you spend doing business to take into account how much time. Each day your business benefits from the use of electricity and / or gas. Then you will have to look at your house. If you are heating your entire home but only work from one room, you can not only claim the usefulness of a room.
4. Your phone bill
Of course, you should remember your telephone bill. Especially if your job involves consulting clients on calls or expert advice. The easiest way to pay work calls is to have a separate work phone.
However if you prefer to hold and transport the phone only. Use your mobile phone login to find out exactly how much of your phone bill should be applied to work calls (it is good practice). This also if you need billable sometimes your customers pay for their time).
5. Your PR
Do you go to networking evenings? Hold events for the purpose of your marketing business? Save all receipts, give up all expenses and write down each lunch: it is tax-deductible. However, do not obstruct the line with business entertainment. This is not covered unless HMRC has explicitly stated, for example, the annual Christmas work party.
6. Your tax advice
This is correct this is a business expense if you are working from home for part of the time, and again it must be calculated proportionally.
7. Your house
Home is the place where the heart is. Sometimes the place of office and occupation is (and it’s not always easy to make that mix). You can claim part of your mortgage interest as a business expense, recalculating the amount of property you use for business purposes. The same goes for renovators: if you rent it from a landlord, you can get a proportion of that rent if you can calculate the amount used for commercial purposes only. If you are a landlord who acts as a sole trader, you may not be able to do it because you cannot rent it.
8. Your wheels
Do they provide products do they drive to provide a service. Or do they have to leave home from time to time? You can use a simplified flat rate to calculate the amount to be claimed as your car van or motorcycle costs. If you do not want to calculate it (as long as you do not claim the vehicle as capital allocations).
Before you go, I hope this article what expenses I can claim when working from home UK is helpful for you. Speak with a tax expert with experience in your field before going ahead.