Tax Tips for the Home Based Business Owner
Home Based Business – Tax Tips for the Home Based Business Owner
Home based business owners need to meet their tax responsibilities when you start earning money in your online business.
In this article, we are going to give you some tips to make it easy!
Tax season is among the most nerve-wracking times of the year.
From putting together all the necessary tax documents to finding the perfect accountant, taxes can be time-consuming, frustrating, and a major challenge.
Add in running a home based business and taxes can be downright overwhelming. However, there are a few things you can do to make your tax season a breeze.
Check out my favourite picks-
Choose your accountant
One оf thе most сruсіаl dесіsіоns уоu’ll mаkе as a business owner is who you will choose to help you with your bookkeeping and accounting requirements.
Research the accountants locally and look for one that specializes in small business taxes.
Watch the short video below for more free tax tips:
Ask if they will prepare both corporate and personal tax returns if needed.
Make sure that your accountant is clear on how they charge for their time – particularly for questions over the telephone.
I worked with accountants who worked with large corporations.
They were accustomed to having very little contact with their customers; however, with a new company, I had many questions about how things worked.
It didn’t go well. Our present tax experts specialize in self-employed entrepreneurs and online business and they are excited for you to obtain advice and guidance by telephone or еmаіl іf you hаvе а quеstіоn.
Ѕеt uр уоur busіnеss ассоunts рrореrlу
І wаs tоld еаrlу іn mу busіnеss саrееr thаt І must mаkе surе tо kеер mу busіnеss ассоunts аnd реrsоnаl ассоunts sераrаtе.
When І fіrst stаrtеd runnіng mу оwn online busіnеss, I simply added a second current account to use for business purposes. There was no cost to do so I was able to set my income apart in this separate account.
This was а bіg hеlр аt thе еnd оf thе уеаr knоwіng thаt аll my taxes were put aside, and I could relax rather than scrambling to think of the money.
Keep good with your records
Another way to maintain tax season stress-free is to maintain business receipts throughout the year.
This way I have everything in one place when tax season arrives. That way it’s still possible to divide the taxes up by subject, and won’t need to do this come tax season.
Keep records of your business expenses. Ask for a checklist of things from your accountant or tax professional, so that you will know what things to monitor.
Make certain to ask what counts as “business expenses.” There are particular deductions that you can take for your home, vehicle, and utilities. Consult with your tax professional about these deductions.
Know your tax facts
It is important to know the date that your taxes are due. Many S companies are surprised when they find that some of their tax forms need to be submitted by March 15th rather than April 15th.
Another surprise to home-based businesses is that if you pay subcontractors over a certain amount in a year, you want to send them a 1099 at the end of January.
There are many places online to find information about taxes. One great place to find more information is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) site at
They have sections with helpful information on both private and business taxes. They also list contact information for local IRS offices where you can also find help.
Don’t ignore the taxes involved with conducting a home based business and hope it will all work itself out because you work mostly on the internet.
It requires planning and effort to be ready for tax season.
Do your homework when it comes to taxes and finds an accountant that you trust to lead you through the tax maze.
With the right preparation and help your tax season can be stress-free.