Stephanie Alys (MysteryVibe) on SexTech, Data & Privacy | TNW Conference 2017

Not Just a One-Night Stand: SexTech, Data & Privacy

Smart sex toys are coming. In fact, they’re already here. Across every aspect of our lives, we agree to the collection, storage and usage of our personal data. But when it comes to sex… it all gets a bit too personal. And yet, the sextech industry is moving towards digital at an unprecedented pace. With high-profile hacks hitting the headlines, why do we think differently about data when it comes to sex? What’s the future of sex, technology & security? And what should we expect and demand of companies operating within the sextech space?

Stephanie Alys
Stephanie is a Co-founder and Chief Pleasure Officer (CPO) of MysteryVibe, an award-winning British pleasure brand. As CPO, Stephanie is focused on changing perceptions around pleasure in a positive and empowering way.
A strong advocate that pleasure is a beautiful part of the human experience, and fundamental to our happiness, Stephanie is MysteryVibe’s spokesperson on the role of technology within sex and relationships. She has been featured in major publications such as the Times, Guardian, Economist, CNBC, TechCrunch and WIRED and regularly appears as a keynote speaker on international stages.


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