Spotlight Interview: Director of Cloud Technology Company Mike Schuil!
1. Thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me! Please tell us a bit about yourself and what you do currently…
I am an accountant by profession but got tired of that industry, tried my hand at running a virtual assistants business (which I still do part-time) but now spend most of my time sourcing IT infrastructure for companies (think cloud and communications)
2. What inspired you to start doing your own business venture?
There is a huge gap in the market at the moment which offers companies the ability to become far more efficient and reduce their costs in doing so.
3. What has been your biggest achievement so far?
Personal – keeping two beautiful children alive!
Business – starting and running my own business. Gave me the ability to branch out into my current venture
4. What are you working on for this year?
Gaining customers for Marketlinx
5. What fuels you to keeps you going each day?
Business – The desire to help companies drive their efficiency up and costs down
Personal – spend more time with my family
6. Who are the top 3 experts you’d love to work with? And why?
Tim Ferris – truly out the box thinking an serial experimenter
Darren Hardy – inspirational insight into productivity
Robert Kiyosaki – ability to create multiple income streams
7. Take a moment to close your eyes. Where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?
Ideally still running this business but in an oversight capacity rather than having to do a lot of the day to day work to get it running as I would like it
8. Who or what is your greatest love?
My wife – is there another answer?!
9. What book do you recommend most to others?
How to win friends and influence people
10. If you could get the perfect help from an online tax return service, what would
they do for you?
All bookkeeping and HMRC submissions without asking me for receipts or bank statements
11. Can you give our readers 2 key tips for staying focused on their success?
Tip 1 – Have a 5 year goal broken down into monthly/weekly tasks.
Tip 2 – Focus on one task until its down (preferably an important one!)
12. Where is your happy place?
Good question – I should probably address this!
13. If you were stuck on a desert island and could only bring 3 things what would they be?
Fishing rod
(too practical)
14. How do you describe yourself in 5 words?
dedicated, determined, organised, focused, intelligent
15. Thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me! Where can we find
and follow you online?
Speak to an expert on Mike’s company website: Marketlinx
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