Master P Financial Literacy App

Fortunately financial literacy is easier than ever with mobile apps that do everything from teaching kids. The importance of being smart with their money to helping adults plan for retirement. At a time when Americans averaged $ 5,551 in credit card debt with an average APR of 16.8 percent. American citizens also paid $ 113 billion in credit card interest last year. Credit cards are just the tip of the iceberg. As many also have mortgages, car loans, student loans and much more. So in this article we will discuss Master P financial literacy app.

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Related To Master P financial literacy app:

Alternative Best Financial Literacy Apps

Mindblown Labs:

This is a web application that teaches financial education as if it were a game. High school and college students go through “life” as an avatar, making financial decisions along the way. They manage student loans, save for a house, and even face financial emergencies, such as theft. Unlike in real life, you can quickly see what will happen in 30 years due to a decision you make today. For example, they’ll learn how credit card interest works by seeing what happens if a high-interest credit card is maxed out and only minimal monthly payments are made – it can take 20 years or more to balance the balance pay and pay thousands of interest along the way.

Savings spree

This application contains six games for younger children that allow players to win money. They can choose to save it or throw it away, but the goal is to build a nest of eggs. Children learn to set savings goals and play rewards them for spending money on smart purchases that have a high net profit. It is very visual, which makes it attractive to young children while teaching valuable lessons.


LearnVest is a financial planning and management tool for high school and college kids and adults. It uses your actual income, savings, expenses, and investments, and the program gives you practical advice and tips on how best to manage your money. It can act as a virtual financial planner, helping you plan how to save on future costs like buying a home, kids’ college, and even retirement.

Celebrity calamity

For the teen and teen group, there’s Celebrity Calamity, which allows users to choose a star and direct their lives. Acting as a financial advisor, the player chooses a job to build or run and manage the budget while keeping the celebrity happy. The game teaches players the consequences of overspending and the importance of sticking to a budget.


Wally is a cost tracking application that allows you to take pictures of your receipts and use geographic tracking, making it easy to enter your income and expenses. The free, streamlined interface lets users know exactly where their money is going, helping them determine what costs they can reduce or eliminate and how they can use their money best.


More like an online course than an app, FinStrong is perfect for those looking to understand financial education. It features gamified learning, assessments, detailed videos, and much more. Subscribers learn about enrollment and credit scores, how to choose insurance plans, how to save, how to eliminate debt, how and what payments to automate, and much more.


Spendless allows users to manage their money on their own or with the help of their families. The app allows family members to communicate with each other by tagging spending sites and adding personalized messages. Costs are categorized and spending limits can be set to help prevent over compliance in certain categories.


PocketGuard helps you avoid overspending and cut monthly expenses. The app examines recurring bills and identifies areas where your rates may reduce certain services and subscriptions and where offers have been received. A family budget is created based on income and expenses.

Before you go, I hope the above article about the Master P financial literacy app will be helpful and informational for you. If you want to share more about your finance tips and tricks put them in the comments below.

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