How Do Streaming Services Pay Artists? 2021
In fact, there is no simple answer, but I will try to explain how do streaming services pay artists? 2021 in terms of streaming royalties from platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and more, as well as the various factors that affect royalty payments.
How much do music streaming services pay artists?
When posting music to Spotify, Apple Music, and other streaming platforms, always keep your overall goals in mind. While some stores pay higher upstream, you should be aware that other stores may give you more exposure and visibility. It’s also important to think about where most of your fans are currently listening to your music.
Many actors influence what stores pay. These include things like the listener’s country, whether the listener has a paid or free account, the artist’s royalty rate, and relative prices and exchange rates. While you may not expect exactly what you will do, you can learn more about where your earnings are coming from.
- Country of the listener
- If the listener has a paid or free account
- Artist royalty rate
- Prices and relative exchange rates
That’s why it’s important to take the time to focus on each platform to understand its various benefits and audiences that you can reach on your flexible schedule.
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What music streaming services pay?
The serve paid $ 0.01682 per play. According to two sources, Information Is Beautiful and David Crosby, that number is constantly increasing. On average, Napster now pays $ 0.019 upstream. To meet the US monthly minimum wage of $ 1,472, an artist would need a total of 77,474 works. With 5 million paid subscribers, the service loses about $ 7.00 per user. However, unlike its competitors, Napster is a profitable music streaming service.
Apple Music ranks third.
Historically, Apple Music has paid artists much better than its streaming music competitor, Spotify. In 2017, the service paid $ 0.0064 upstream. Last year, that number had risen to $ 0.00783.
Today, that number is set at $ 0.00735. Apple Music artists would need about 200,272 plays to earn the US monthly minimum wage. Since Apple closely protects its users’ metrics, it is unclear how much Apple Music loses each year on the service, as well as each user. .
Deezer falls in fifth place.
Launched several years ago in the US, Deezer, the French-based music streaming service, does not yet have an established presence in the country. In 2018, at $ 0.0056, the service surpassed GPM in terms of outgoing payments. By 2019, Deezer had paid $ 0.00624. That number has slowly risen to $ 0.0064, leaving it behind GPM. Artists will need a total of 230,000 works to earn the US minimum monthly wage.
Deezer recently reported an annual loss of $ 27 million, losing $ 1.69 per user. Deezer reportedly has 16 million users, of which around 9.12 million, or 57%, pay for the service.
Amazon lags behind.
Like Napster, Apple, and Google, Amazon closely keeps track of its users’ metrics. Earlier this year, The Trichordist found that Amazon was paying freelance artists $ 0.0074 per work. That number has now dropped to $ 0.00402, placing it just above Spotify. Artists will now need around 366,169 streams in total to earn the monthly minimum wage in the US.
How much does Spotify downstream pay?
Spotify’s download rate is ranked one of the worst and appears to be dropping. According to the latest data, Spotify pays between $ .003 and $ .005 (a third of a penny to a half penny) for most artists for each stream.
In December 2019, you may have read our report on cellist Zoe Keating receiving a check for $ 753 from Spotify, in exchange for 206,011 streams. To top it off, the amount equates to an ascending royalty rate of $ 0.0037, down from Spotify Keating’s 2018 royalty rate of approximately $ 0.0054.
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