Benefits Of Working From Home One Day a Week

Are you thinking about the benefits of working from home one day a week?

In this article, I will summarise the key 6 benefits of working from home one day a week so that you can see whether or not it is right for you.

Some of the above advantages are self-explanatory like having a flexible schedule, reduction of stress, personal freedom, and a reduction on specific expenses.

And I am sure you desire to have more freedom in your life to be with your loved ones.


1. Flexibility

If you are going through parenthood it is always a huge relief to work from home and provide care for your children.

For example, when new moms have jobs working from the house they find a flexible schedule which enables them to get the sleep they need to be effective and spend time with their baby.

In my personal experience, this was a blessing for me and I am grateful for the time I have with my daughter and working on my laptop.


2. Tax Benefits

There are also other benefits of working from home one day a week for everyone who is thinking about going self employed, apart from flexibility.

When you have a work from home business, there are tax benefits since you can write off a percentage of your house expenses with the company.

To put it differently, a portion of your mortgage or lease payments, depreciation, real estate taxes, utilities, insurance, and expenses for household repairs or enhancements could be deducted.


3. Save Money On Travel

Other monetary advantages include saving money on gasoline for a commute, automobile repairs because of road accidents or just general wear and tear on a car or truck.

As a result, your productivity increases as well.

Sidenote: It does take self-discipline to work at home, as there are more distractions and comforts in the house. This is one of the disadvantages.

So always keep a professional approach. Wake-up early, get dressed, plan your daily tasks and get straight onto the computer.


4. Reduce Stress

We’ve mentioned that new moms get the sleep they need, which will help boost productivity, but everyone can benefit from the lower stress.

Think about it.

When office politics or the continuous stream of conversations and interruptions does not strain you out you’ve got an inclination to have higher focus levels.

This impacts positively on your creative ideas and execution process.

Being at home lets you listen to music you would like or have absolute silence if that’s the way you work.

I have times in the day where I always 10X my results by playing loud hip-hop music…

But that’s not for everyone in a traditional office!


5. Time Management

Time management can be a benefit since you’re able to schedule breaks whenever you need them.

This permits you to have rest periods while getting the work done.

Additionally, you can easily plan weekend breaks, schedule necessary appointments and have some downtime.

Especially if you work online this means you can catch up on the work at a time that suits you.

This is the greatest of the benefits of working from home one day a week.

Yes, even one day can make a huge difference in your life.


6. Employers Are Happy Too

We’ve looked at the advantages from an employees viewpoint, now let’s look at some of the same benefits for employers when you work from home one day a week.

You may wish to note these points down if you want to convince your boss to let you work from home one to three days a week.

First employers can conserve money, like the employee.

An employer can conserve money based on less space needed to get their staff, which suggests a lower rent.

They may also conserve money on furniture (desk-sharing), facilities maintenance, and equipment.

When an individual works from home, they’ll usually have the necessary equipment needed to get the position and a phone line.

Whilst the company may have to provide the software and perhaps help set up some of the technical aspects like telecommunication equipment a majority of their expenses decrease.

They also get a monetary benefit from reduced insurance premiums along with other utility reductions.

While most companies find it’s more beneficial to provide these advantages, not all of them will.


A final note on the benefits of working from home one day a week

Despite that, in some countries, a company also receives a tax advantage to allow employees to work from home.

Congress was working to pass a bill Known as the Parents Tax Relief Act 2007.

This bill provides incentives to get employers who support jobs working at home.

The employer may have a tax credit per telecommuter.

In summary, they may also write off expenses like computers and broadband access.

Finally, as you can see there are numerous reasons why businesses are supporting telecommuters and you too can gain the benefits of working from home one day a week.


Faithful in your success! 


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