Accept ACH Payments Instantly

To accept ACH payments instantly you will need some type of technology such as FreshBooks or Stripe. Learn more below.

Related to how to accept ACH payments instantly:


While there are many benefits to accept ACH payments instantly in your business, it is quite difficult to link directly to a bank account.

There are additional complexities compared to credit cards because the amounts of transactions are generally larger and have less authorization.

However, being able to handle ACH payments can help you to get more sales and transactions in your business over the years.

And so, today, we are pleased to give you 2 tools that you can use to accept ACH payments online:

  1. FreshBooks
  2. Stripe

Both Stripe and FreshBooks integrate well with other applications for running an online business.


How It Works in a Nutshell

Of course, you can create unique transactions and manage them within the Panel.

You can also charge subscriptions (such as Slack or Digital Ocean), and companies that use Connect (such as Fancy or Tilt) can accept ACH payments on behalf of their customers.

Regardless of the type of payments, you are dealing with it works with many credit card transactions.


Simplifying Setup and Verification

There are two additional key elements for ACH: built-in support and immediate optional verification.

With micro deposits, they will send two unique amounts to a customer’s bank account so that your client can verify your account by sending the amounts you see in your account statement.

Alternatively, Stripe is working with Plaid on the integration that provides an immediate verification of the bank account.

If you choose to use it, your customers can authenticate directly with your bank in real time, without having to search the route numbers.

This process avoids the most common errors related to the entry of incorrect bank account numbers or routing numbers.


Accept ACH Payments Instantly – Summary

It’s quite easy when putting it simply – ACH is another payment source for a client.

It is easy to create an ACH charge when your client authenticates.

Additionally, the cost of running ACH is relatively low.

ACH payments fees are generally around 0.80%, up to $5, without monthly fees or verified rates.

A fee of $0.80 comes with a payment of $100; any payment over $ 625 costs around $5.

Pro Tip: This is useful if you regularly charge large amounts to customers on a recurring basis.

If you are already working with a high number of clients on a recurring basis talk to them about prices and offer them an additional way to pay with you with ease.

I am sure they would love this conversation.

Finally, you can accept ACH payments instantly online, in-person, over the phone, or on your mobile device.

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