4 Keys to start investing | Tony Robbins Interview (Quick)

This is the summary of an excerpt from Marie Forleo’s interview with Tony Robbins

Check out the full 38 minute interview on Marie’s channel here:

In this 3 minute video, we look at 4 important points about investing Tony Robbins talks about:

[1] START right away
-Get started ASAP. The sooner you start, the more you will have. Even a small consistent investment can turn into a huge sum of money

[2] AUTOMATE your investing
-Learn how to set up systems to where the moment you earn money, a percentage of it goes to your investments before you even get a chance to spend it

[3] BE CAREFUL with Mutual Funds
-Mutual funds claim to be able to take your money and beat the market, giving you huge profits. However, only 4% of Mutual Funds do so. Anyone claiming to be able to beat the market is probably full of crap

-Just like your investments will compound, making your investments huge over time, so will fees. Having a 1% fee versus a a 3% fee can mean 77% less money over the long term

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