Single Parent Working 30 Hours a Week

Here Are 4 Money Tips For Single Parent Working 30 Hours a Week

Are you a single parent working 30 hours a week? It can be challenging but with these important tips, you can restore your balance. 

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The number of single parents continues to increase in Europe.

Between homework, shopping, work and home, the life of a single father, or mother, is a real marathon.

Our money tips to simplify your life if you are a parent who works 30 hours a week are here.

According to the latest published figures, 1.8 million families are single parents in Europe, more than one in five.

In 85% of cases, these are mothers who live alone with one or more children.

Daily, these single parents face many difficulties, both organizational and financial.

However, alarming data were reported: almost 32.5% of these single-parent families live below the poverty line, a proportion twice as high as in the rest of the population.

Faced with these inequalities and situations of great precariousness, anger increases and parents want their voice to be heard.

Although they now benefit from a certain number of family allowances and allowances, they are sometimes insufficient to compensate for the lack of other unpaid family salaries or allowances.

So how do you deal with daily circumstances when you’re raising your children?

The single mothers who testified in the Women’s Journal agree on one point: organization and mutual help are their slogans.

In fact, it is difficult to reconcile everything when one is in charge of raising children, exercising a professional activity and managing cleaning chores.

Moms and dads alone compete naively to juggle all the roles they have to play for a day.


1) Make a schedule and a list of tasks

Without falling into the excesses of a military organization, write a schedule that sticks in the fridge to not forget anything: the appointment of the major at the dentist at the meeting of the parents of the students of the cadet.

Nothing is more distressing than not knowing what the week will be like when you’re already running on a tight schedule.

The same for children’s clothes: prepare them the day before to avoid the crisis when dressing. Finally, go to the basics, according to the priorities.

This also helps with money because you can plan your weekly expenditure and costs for activities that pop up.

Otherwise, it is easy to keep spending every time that you leave the house.


2) Teach your child to be independent

Put on your coat or shoes alone, get rid of your plate, make your bed, put your dirty clothes in the basket, so many harmless little things that can really make your life easier.

Remind your children that they are a team and that it is important to help each other, like true champions.

Likewise, with finances, you can start from a young age.

Allow children to ‘play’ with money, meaning that they start to manage their own pocket-money and savings.


3) Join a network of single parents

Parents of friends of children, neighbourhood associations, a neighbour who can help you in the event of a late-night, grandparents who live near you … Create your own solidarity network, and never say no to the help they offer you.

Did you also think of barter services between mothers?

You take the children out of school and, in return, the mother accompanies your son to his sports class on Saturday.

Of course, this can help you when you are working and provide you with some time to generate more income.

Finally, specialized sites for single-parent families allow you to exchange money tips between single parents to break the isolation.

You will find, for example, childcare ads, work from home tips and tricks to better manage your budget.


4) Ask for help and delegate

In case of a complicated divorce, a difficult financial situation or major conflicts in the home, contact organisations or advisors to help you as much as possible.

The social services, the town hall, the psychologists, the educational team, the doctors or the associations will give you valuable advice to help you get out of this difficult situation.

In the UK, Step Change is a valuable resource for getting out of debt and financial difficulties.

Remember that you are not alone if you are a single parent working 30 hours a week.



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