Review of The 7 Critical Principles of Effective Digital Marketing

Our Review

7 Critical Principles of Effective Digital Marketing

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The 7 Critical Principles of Effective Digital Marketing is an attempt at establishing a baseline for one of the most tumultuous and change-ridden industries in existence. It takes a step back from the strategies and tactics that most digital marketing approaches start with and, instead, establishes a core and foundational structure from which all digital marketing initiatives can and should operate. The 7 Principles are simple without being simplistic and help to align digital marketers with a set of axiomatic, unchanging and foundational beliefs. In fact, these 7 principles may be the only thing about digital marketing that won’t change.

A little about the author: As a digital marketer and strategist, he has worked with the largest privately owned bank in the U.S., a 54,000 member PPO, a Gates Foundation funded non-profit, and an Academy Award Contending documentary. He helped to build, launch and market the National Association of Child Helplines (NAACH).

Price: $4.99


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