Refinance Mortgage

Refinance Mortgage Loan Compared Home Equity Loan

Both refinance mortgage loans and home equity loans are about cashing out the equity in a property.

 However, they are the different type of loans, serving different needs.

Let’s take a look at this today.

refinance mortgage new home

Refinance Mortgage

Refinance mortgage is used to replace the existing mortgage with a new loan.  

The purpose of this mortgage loan is mainly to decrease the monthly payments and the rates of interest on a mortgage.

Some cash may be removed by getting a larger mortgage.

Providing there’s equity in the property.  

The refinance process is very similar to a mortgage in that you have closing fees and costs to pay.

Refinance can work well in the periods of low rates of interest.

For example,  a refinance mortgage replaces the higher interest home mortgage.

This process will lower the interest, but it is not guaranteed.

In addition, the borrower may pay off loans including credit and credit card bills with the mortgage.

Lastly, for refinancing a mortgage keep at least a few years in the property.

Begin saving real money to cover the closing fees and costs paid during the refinance process.


Home Equity Loans

Home equity loans do not require the homeowner to repay the mortgage.  

Instead, they are taken in the form of the second mortgage on top of the mortgage as cash.  

The original mortgage payment terms and its interest rate stays untouched.

As an advantage, the fees and closing costs on home equity loans are much lower compared to the refinance mortgage.

 On the other hand, a home equity loan may not be lower than the interest rates offered on the mortgage loan.

Importantly, home equity loans may work out better at periods of high-interest rates when the mortgage rates are lower than the rates offered now.

 The homeowner who needs cash and wants to tap into the home’s equity will find this easier.

Plus, these loans can be paid off separately from the home mortgage.

For example, as a homeowner, you might want to enhance the house so that it could be sold for a higher price.

Research shows that home equity loan could be a better option if the house is to be sold in the future.



When deciding the right financing option to select, consider your objective.

If your objective is to stay in the property and gain lower interest rates than a refinance mortgage serves this goal.  

Whereas, if the quantity of cash needed is for a brief period, getting a home equity loan is going to be a much cheaper option.


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