Online Accounting for Creative Professionals
Creative professionals and artistic entrepreneurs provide customers with some of the greatest enjoyment and pleasure through their work, art and inspiration.
As online accountants we are blown away on a daily basis by the passion our creative and artistic clients have for their profession. And we are also extremely aware how much stress the non-creative side of running a business creates for them.
If you’re in media, music, graphic design, a lifestyle brand or online start-up you can probably relate to many of our clients for whom bookkeeping, recordkeeping and tax preparation is the most frustrating and worrying part of running their business.
We Take the Stress Out of Running Your Business for You
Our experience in working with many creative professionals has helped us to develop a great understanding of the needs of people in these industries and tailor our solutions.
The approach we have developed is based on:
- Passion for Creative Industries
- Knowledge & Understanding of Arts Businesses
- Year Round Availability
- Compassion & Patience
- Innovative Solutions
- Easy to Understand Guidance & Support
The Online Bookkeeping Service we provide take the stress out of running a business for you, so you can focus on what you do best – be creative, passionate and delight your customers.
We can help you figure everything out and streamline your financial reporting with our online accounting services.
Get in touch to have a chat or get help with the things that are worrying you about your business, we would love to give you a hand!