I Love Video Games What Job Should I Get?

Many jobs in the video industry will require higher education training or a bachelor’s degree. Career options include technical, art, and engineering jobs. People who enjoy video games may be interested in one of the following careers. So in this article, we will discuss 5 ideas for people who are thinking, ‘I love video games what job should I get’.

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Jobs For People Who Like Video Games


1. Mobile app developer

People who like video games may consider a career as a mobile app developer.  As this profession is all about creating games for mobile devices. Mobile app developers like Agile, AWS, Apple store, Google Play, and HTML 5, will require strong technical skills and knowledge.  Which generally work for computer system design companies or software publishers.

Job responsibilities include creating, testing.  And deploying mobile apps providing design recommendations and assisting end users with technical support issues. People will need a bachelor’s degree in computing or a related field to work as a mobile app developer.

2. Technical artist

People interested in the graphic design aspect of video games can enjoy a career as a technical artist. This post serves as a link between programmers and artists involved in game design. The primary duty of a job is to ensure that the artistic elements do not exceed.  The technical capabilities of an application and that they retain the original artistic intent.

Other job duties include collaborating with the art department on workflows and research, creating technical methods, and ensuring optimized workflows. Technical artists often work for game development companies like Nintendo. People will require a bachelor of art or related field, and some jobs will require 2D and 3D art creation experience.

3. Audio engineer

People who enjoy video games may consider a career as an audio engineer, as music, sound effects, and voice messages are essential components of video games. An audio engineer uses computer hardware and software programs to record, mix, or play sounds, music, or voices for video games. According to the BLS, 11% of broadcast and sound engineering technicians worked in the arts, entertainment, and recreation industries in 2016.

Job responsibilities include music, sound effects, and video game speech, harmonizing dialogue recording and sounds with what happens. in games, and converts recorded content to digital formats for editing use. Depending on the position, individuals will require a graduate degree or an undergraduate associate’s degree.

4. Animator

People interested in the visual aspects of video games can enjoy a career as animators, as they are responsible for how the game looks. Animators work for professional or technical service companies in the video industry. People will need a bachelor’s degree in art, computer graphics, or a related field. Animators can specialize in designing video game levels, which involves developing the feel, look, and design of a game.

Job tasks involve using drawings and software to design animations and graphics, collaborating with artists and animators to design a simplified product, and creating storyboards that illustrate important sequences in animation.

5. Game developer

People who like the technical components of video games might consider working as game developers. This publication specializes in creating code that enables video game execution by converting the ideas of application developers into guidelines that follow video games. In general, they work for companies that design computer systems or video games. Game developers can specialize in a medium, such as mobile devices or video game consoles. Job responsibilities include developing games in multiple languages ​​such as Java or C ++, parsing games for problems and correcting incorrect code, and using code libraries to simplify your work.



Before you go, I hope this article I love video games what job should I get is useful for you.

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