How to get Signed to a Record Label – @CasiinoSmooth
Everybody else is asking the million dollar question of how to get their music heard without paying loads of money and the answer is to have strategy and follow the basic steps in the following video. Are you tired of spamming your soundcloud links all over social media just to get a couple hundred plays? Are you tired of asking people to like and share your music on their pages just for exposure. Stop wasting your time posting your music on Facebook to the same audience only to get little results. Learn how to get people talking about your music and create a buzz big enough that record labels will be throwing their pens at you to sign their record deal! Other people might think they know how to get signed to a record label, but this information will give you the right kick start you need to get your career rolling in the right direction. The video below has tips that A&R music industry professionals actually give to their up and coming rap artists. Use the information wisely based on your situation and its guaranteed that you become a better prepared music artist.
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