Girl Cut Him Loose | How to Switch to a New Accountant

Girrllll Cut Him Loose …

This post isn’t more for the ladies than it is for the men.

… I can just hear myself saying those words ( “Girl Cut Him Loose” ) to one of my friends.

So excuse the spice that I am starting this article with. But understand that I see you as a friend.

And sometimes the best way to influence a friend is to tell them straight UP!

Anyhoo, here’s my advice for today.

Cruel – Cold – But hand delivered with love.


Everyday I get someone telling me how a family member, close friend, or their current tax advisor is not helping them protect their passion. And I find myself giving them the same advice I gave you above.

But people are people.

We hold on to things for way to long.

…. Sometimes using the excuse – “ WE CANT THROW IT AWAY BECAUSE WE HAD IT FOR SO LONG”.

And I understand completely.

Which is why I’m writing this article. To give you a way out, without having to drop your current accountant and feel bad about it.

Quick Story:

For those of you who really know me…

KNOW, I’m super sweet.

… And one day I get up. I walk into my nearest Tesco and before I could step one foot in the door a tall young lady walks up to me with a forced smile and drifting eye contact and asks …

“How Can I Help You ?” without any passion.

Of course I say:

I’m fine. I’m just here for some paper towels.

Now between YOU and I. That means I don’t want help. I want to be left alone. In fact I want to quickly grab my paper towels and go (I have things to do).

But Madame didn’t pick it up.

She proceeds by grabbing my arm and rushing me to the paper towels.

I smile and politely follow along until I get to the aisle. Then I try to get away as fast away as possible.

Madame jumps in front of me and starts to tell me why I should pick up the generic store brand instead of something higher up (which I know will last longer!).

Now I’m too nice to interrupt her rant.

“Yet that experience for me is the picture I want you to draw in your head right now. If your current accountant means well but is slowing you down and pulling you in a direction you don’t want to go. I want you to do what I had to do despite the pain I received thereafter. I want you to look them in the eye and say:

“I’m sorry but I have to go.”

Stare them in the eye. Give an explanation, and head for the door and don’t look back. The silence will tell you that they didn’t take it well.

But you will!

You’ll feel good because you had to do what you had to do.

You’ll feel good because it’ll benefit you in the long run.

And you deserve to feel good.

        Hope to work with you soon,

Ruth 😉

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