Where Do You Get Your Financial Advice? –

Never Get Your Advice from a Millionaire – CardoneZone: Never get advice from a millionaire. Don’t get advice on what the view is like from someone half way up the tree, they can only tell you what they think the view is going to be. That’s why you don’t want to get advice from someone, not even half way there. The problem with the Millionaire Next Door:

1)Think is too small—There are not enough zeros to last you any length of time

2)Conservation mode—Spend all energy trying to save the million.

3)Math doesn’t work—$33,000 a year is no money. You can’t just quit after making $1 million

When you have a million dollars, you’re scared. Don’t be the millionaire next door who is conserving the little pile they have. To make your money last longer than your clock, you need much more than $1 million, so never take financial advice from a mere millionaire!


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