How to Get a Business Bank Account for Startups

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I want to talk to you about how to get a business bank account.

So, this video is especially for people starting up their business, new in business, or maybe you have been doing business for a while.

This is pretty much the new way to have a business account in the digital age and modern day times.

It is not like the old days where you had to go in before setting up a business bank account to get to know the bank manager, and the bank manager remembers you and asks, “How are you, how are kids, how are the children?…”

That was a long time ago. That age in business is pretty much over and done with.

Nowadays, you can actually register very quickly. You can contact the banks online and set your payments online.

Let me give you step by step on what you need to do when opening a business account.

I am looking down as I have got some note here so that I can tell you all that necessary steps and information.

So, what I normally do at Tax Twerk is set-up companies right from the beginning as well as help you establish companies.

So with your startup we give you information and we guide you on this is what you need, this is what you got to do, step by step. So, I am going to base his information on what we do, right?

So, the first thing you need to do is that when people open their business bank account, they are not aware that they need to have a limited company.

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