Corner Bass Traps – Getting it Right

This is a sponsored post to help people with home improvements and sound proofing your home studio from our friends at Sound Proof Pros.

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Are you kitting up your sound studio? Or perhaps building a home theatre system? Whatever is your reason, bass traps are fundamental in your decision. They are aimed at improving the sound quality by “trapping” low frequency sounds or noises. In other words, they help to ‘clean’ as much ‘outside’ or distorted noise as possible. Bass Traps are intended to improve the quality of sound inside a room and not so much as block sounds coming from outside. It ‘cancels out’ sounds heading back to the speakers in the room. Learn more about Bass Traps here:

If you have a tendency for DIY, sound proofing your studio, theatre or room everywhere but leaving out the corners, could be a waste of time and efforts. If you need your studio or room to be exceptionally sound proof, you would need to consider the corners. Most of us don’t understand the necessity for these corner bass traps, but it is important to note that this is where low-frequency sounds are usually emitted or get built up. 

Low-end frequencies have a lot of strength and are long wavelengths, so they have a tendency of building up in corners. Thus, low frequency acoustic bass trap foam corner traps, help to reduce corner noise and absorb these low frequency sounds, which in-turn intensifies the quality of music and the final output.

So, if your music sounds good in one room but bad in the other, you need these corner traps. It is a good investment to make, and they are cheap. Placing them in the right places in your room or house can make a lot of difference.  


Best tips for Installing corner bass traps


  1. Adjust them as needed

For ultimate precision and exceptional end results, these corner traps should be installed at least a distance of 25 to 45mm away from the room corners and at varying heights. Feel free to make adjustments until the ideal positioning has been found. Every room is different but covering up corners is essential here


  1. Work on the corners

You can never over-bass-trap a room or studio, thus it is advisable to minimise as many 90-degree corners as possible, especially the low-end of the room. These need to be installed in every corner of the room for maximum quality. So that you don’t use up too much space or spending large amounts of time trying to figure out the best positions, try placing your bass traps across your room corners. This is the optimal positions for them.

soundproof corners


  1. Is thicker more effective?

The answer is yes. The average thickness for a Bass Trap should be about 4”, however the more effective ones in the market are created as thick as up to 8”. But this does not mean to get 8” you add several 4” bass traps to the corner. Don’t forget about an important factor – circulation. For the air to go through you need to refrain from adding more cushion behind the panels, leave these for air circulation. The size of the panel itself, i.e. the length from floor to the ceiling (not the thickness) will ultimately depend on the size of your room. If you have a higher ceiling you can install a longer panel, and vice versa.


  1. Choose the best material for you

There is always a need for careful consideration when soundproofing your house or studio. The obvious being, the more professionally you get it done, the better the overall result. Once its installed, you will be seeing it every time, so choosing the best one for you is a valuable piece of advice, not just quantity but also quality. There are cost effective materials to choose from, ones that are made with foam, or have an exclusive design while others are absorbent cubes for corners. 

Even though bass traps are a necessity for so many scenarios, it is still surprising how often people substitute them with acoustic tiles due to it being a lengthy process. But it doesn’t have to be. Instead it can be a fun project for you. Installing bass trapping in a room is not as complex as people think it is. You can even find kits that can help make your installation much easier and allow you to cover-up your room corners more effectively and without any hassles. 


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