Content For Blogging – How To Find Blog Post Ideas 2018
How do bloggers get content ideas for a blog?
Here are the 5 tips you can use to start generating ideas in less than 10 minutes:
1. Think of common struggles in your industries or the problems that you faced when you were starting your business. Write lists with solutions to answer the problems.
2. Put yourself in the client’s shoes and empathize with how they are feeling. Ask customers, or colleagues, or your target client, for their opinion on what problems they are having. Use this as the subject in your blog post.
3. Guerilla marketing research tip! Go to Amazon and search for the main keyword (or subject). You will then see a list of the top books in the industry. You can use these titles and subheadings as the subject for each of your blog posts. This is a golden tip.
4. Register for the Quora app and set up your profile with your interests. Every day you will see an abundance of questions popping up on your phone. You can answer these questions on your blog.
5. You can also talk about your own personal experience and share your journey as you develop. This can be based on your new knowledge, events, purchases and more. The list is endless!
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