Category: Self Employed

Tax Tips for the Self-Employed

Working for yourself definitely has its share of perks. You make your own hours, cut your own cheques and might enjoy a very laid-back dress-code....

Being Self Employed & Tax

Please remember this is just what I do, I am not an expert. • More on Tax rates and my reference for the video:

How to Start a BLOG that Makes MONEY

I've been a "professional" blogger for about three years now, but it took a while to figure out how to make it work! In today's...

Self employment income

Self Employment Income – Тор Ѕеlf Еmрlоуеd Тах Quеstіоns Answered! We have created this article to help you figure out your self employment income and...

Becoming Self Employed or a Job?

Should You Quit Your Job For Becoming Self Employed? Becoming self-employed is a big life change for a lot of people every single year. Some...