In the Spotlight: Tax Twerk’s Online Bookkeeping VIP Manager!

online bookkeeping by ruth noel
Ruth & Dragos

Today I have the pleasure of interviewing the VIP Manager here at Tax Twerk! Dragos joined my team 2 years ago, he now works with me to oversee the online bookkeeping and accounts preparation for each VIP Member. Please tell us a bit about yourself and your background…

I oversee the Tax Twerk activities, making sure all goes well and I exchange ideas on how to improve the processes. I use my experience with Xero and accounting background to make sure everything is quick and reliable for our VIP Members.

What is it like working from home online?

Initially I thought I’d work less, because I’d be distracted by all the things in the house. Instead I ended up working more. It’s not a bad thing, because you have a more productive day. E.g. you can take a 20 minute walk whenever you want without asking anyone, just to clear up your thoughts or to solve a problem. As a wise man once said, ‘You can’t solve a problem with the same mindset as the one you caused it’. So this freedom really helps you think clearer and achieve your personal goals.

What did you do prior to this?

I started working from home while at university. My first part time job  was at Continental and a full time job at a local accountancy practice.  I learned the corporate behaviour in Germany, so you can imagine how ‘strict’ that was. I also learned how the accounting was done for small businesses in Romania and then I thought I could do a great job helping people around the world in the UK and US.

Can you give our readers 1 main tip for managing their time?

The one thing that always works for me, and always improves productivity performance, is when I use Google Calendar and I set a specific time-frame for an activity. You plan your entire day like that and if one activity takes longer than expected then you can reschedule the next activities. Then you’ll realize that if you don’t increase the amount of coffee, or reduce the amount of Facebook, you’ll stay in the office all day!

How do you describe yourself in 3 words?

Analytical, open-minded and organized.

What is it like working for Ruth at Tax Twerk?

We’re both determined to continuously improve at something that we like doing.  It’s a pleasure to talk to her and work with and she is a great person to have as a friend. We communicate well and that’s when a good team can make a big difference.

Now for my killer question… What do you love about Xero?

They have a great idea on how to connect tax advisers, bookkeepers and small business owners in the cloud so they can work on the business performance.

Take a moment to close your eyes. Where do you see yourself in 5 year’s time?

With my eyes open, buying a ticket to Bali.

What’s your favourite food? (Not including McDonald’s lol)

I recently discovered pasta with olives, cheese, mushrooms and good organic ingredients. As you can see from my detailed description I am not a rockstar the kitchen but I appreciate something that is tasteful.

Lastly, what fuels you to keep going each day?

That ticket to Bali! Kidding. I actually like accounting and running a business for myself, making clients happy with the results and creating connections that lead to great conversations. Plus when I travel – E.g. when I visited Ruth in London this month, it’s all worth it.

Want to speak to Ruth or Dragos about your business? Email today or contact us here



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